В Солнечной системе может быть еще одна планета,
считают исследователи из университета Луизианы. Объект может
представлять собой газовый гигант, масса которого в 4 раза больше массы
Юпитера. Возможно, она прячется за так называемым облаком Оорта,
наиболее удаленным регионом в Солнечной системе.
Предполагаемая планета, получившая название Тихе (Tyche), находится от Солнца на расстоянии, в 15 тыс. раз большем расстояния, отделяющим Землю от нашей звезды.
Специалисты полагают, что доказательства существования девятой планеты уже собраны телескопом NASA – Wise.
Однако информацию еще предстоит тщательно проанализировать. Первые
данные будут обнародованы в апреле этого года. А в течение двух
последующих лет астрономы смогут установить, существует ли на задворках
нашей Солнечной системы еще одна планета или нет.
Планета Тихе, если она есть, должна состоять, главным образом, из
водорода и гелия. Она может иметь атмосферу, напоминающую атмосферу
Юпитера. Можно предполагать, что у нее есть спутники. Температура ее
поверхности может составлять -73 градуса Цельсия.
(gizmod.ru) Интересная вырезка из интернета по данной теме: (http://www.whatdoesitmean.com/index1451.htm)
Leader Confirms To Pope New Planet Arrival In 2012
By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers A secret document prepared for Prime Minister Putin by Russia’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs
is claiming that President Medvedev confirmed in his extended
meeting with Pope Benedict XVI [photo top
left] yesterday that the new planet named Tyche
(pronounced ty-kee) by NASA [NASA rendering 2nd
photo left] will be appearing in the Earth’s night sky by 2012.
Though the existence of this planet had long been known to the ancients, it
has only been in the past year that Western scientists have begun informing their
citizens about this unprecedented event soon to occur, but who are, also, still
failing to tell how catastrophic its appearance will be.
Tyche was the name coined for this ancient celestial body by the two astrophysicists
proposing it for "planet” status,
Daniel Whitmire and John Matese from the University
of Louisiana at Lafayette.
From the United States Time Magazine News Service article about this new
planet we can further read:
is suspected to be four times the mass of Jupiter with an orbit around 15,000
times further from the Sun than Earth's, and 375 times further than Pluto's. It
will probably be composed mainly of hydrogen and helium, with an atmosphere
just like Jupiter's. Professor Whitmire added that the planet-in-waiting will
have its own moons, like other outer planets, and its surface will be covered
in colorful spots, bands and clouds.”
More interesting to note, however, about the name Tyche given to this new
planet is that it is also the name of the ancient Greek god governing over
the destiny of mankind, and who were all long familiar with this nemesis to our
Earth as best exampled by the Russian-born American independent scholar Immanuel Velikovsky
in his 1945 seminal work titled "Theses
for the Reconstruction of Ancient History” wherein he postulated:
Planet Earth has suffered natural
catastrophes on a global scale, both before and during humankind's recorded
The causes of these natural
catastrophes were close encounters between the Earth and other bodies within
the solar system.
There is evidence for these
catastrophes in the geological record and archeological record.
The catastrophes that occurred within
the memory of humankind are recorded in the myths, legends and written history
of all ancient cultures and civilizations.
To the grim information reported by Medvedev to the Pope about Tyche we had
previously reported on in our December 10, 2010 report Massive
Earthquake Fears Rise After Mysterious Object Moves Nearer To Earth wherein
we stated the warning of Doctor-Scientist Alexander Stepanov of St.
Petersburg's Pulkovo Astronomical Observatory that this massive dark
Jupiter-sized object lurking at our solar system’s outer edge appears to have "accelerated” its movement towards our
To the catastrophic calamities expected to our Earth from Tyche’s appearance
we had further warned about in our reports Greenland Sunrise Shocks
World As Superstorms Pound Planet, Pole Shift Blamed For
Russian Air Disaster, Closure Of US Airport, Poisonous Space
Clouds Slamming Into Earth Cause Mass Bird And Fish Deaths and New Superstorms Warned Have
‘Doomed’ World Food Production.
Even today, this report states, our Earth is being assaulted by Tyche due to
the massive Solar Flares NASA
warns could disrupt electrical power grids, radio and satellite
communication in the next days, and with the worst, perhaps, yet to come, and
as we can read as reported by the Space.Com News Service:
"The sun
let loose its most powerful eruption in more than four years Monday night (Feb.
14), disrupting radio communications in China and generating concern around the
world. But it could have been a lot worse, experts say.
its strength, Monday's solar storm was a baby compared to several previous
blasts, and it provides just a hint of what the sun is capable of. A true monster
storm has the potential to wreak havoc on a global scale, knocking out
communications systems, endangering satellites and astronauts and causing
perhaps trillions of dollars in damages.
The sun's
activity cycle is ramping up, so more storms will likely be coming our way over
the next few years. The sun has grown more active over the last several months
after rousing from a quiet period in its 11-year weather cycle last year.”
The concerns echoed about Tyche by Russian scientists relate to their belief
in what is called the Electric Universe Theory,
that though despised by their Western counterparts does, indeed, provide the
most complex and holistic approach to understanding our Earth and its relationship
to the Solar System.
In the United States,
one of the most vocal proponents of the Electric Universe Theory is James M. McCanney, M.S. Physics, who
further warns that the increase of comets and asteroids are due to Tyche’s
effects too.
Though the West, especially the US and EU, continue to propagandize their
citizens towards a belief in what they call Global Warming, Russian scientists
state that what we are witnessing in our lifetimes is a complete "overthrowing”
of our planets weather systems due to a "radical”
realignment of our geomagnetic poles, and as evidenced by the rapid
melting of the Arctic regions, while at the same time the largest glaciers
in the world located in the Himalayas are
More ominous than the violent weather changes now occurring all over the
Earth due to Tyche are the warnings given by the late Azeri-born American
researcher Zecharia
Sitchin (1920-2010), who in his deciphering of over 10,000 ancient
Babylonian cuneiform tablets says that our ancestors name for this planet was Nibiru
and was inhabited by a race of giants known as the Anunnaki.
Most important to note about the Anunnaki were that they are credited by our
ancient ancestors of being "the gods,
who not only made mankind, but have protected their "creation” for thousands of year at each "overturning” of our world.
With nearly each passing day it is, also, important to note that the prophecies
contained in our ancient ancestors "myths
and legends” are coming alive in the headlines we read, and none more
important than the Motherlands (Russia) historic 7,000-kilometre
journey across the Arctic Ocean, and as explained in the Sorcha Faal’s
important work Battle Begins For Throne of
This World: The Return of the Einherjar Warriors, that shows proof of
the seer Nostradamus’ Quatrain 6 Verse 21 saying:
"When those of the arctic pole are united
Great terror and fear in the East:
Newly elected, the great trembling
Rhodes, Byzantium stained with Barbarian blood.”
And today, indeed, "great terror and
fear” is erupting
throughout the East, while at the same time the Iranian-Persian leader, Mahmoud
Ahmadinejad, has told his people that the Mahdi (the Muslim version of the
Christian’s Messiah) is "now in charge of
Global affairs”, and Russia has signed new Arctic treaties with Norway
and Finland.
The great American and French Revolutionary leader Thomas Paine (1737-1809)
was wrote, "These are the times that try men’s
souls”, and as it was then, so it is again, the only difference being that
between his time and ours, people once knew how to know truth, today, and
sadly, they no longer do.
©February 18, 2011 EU and US all rights reserved. Permission to use this
report in its entirety is granted under the condition it is linked back to its
original source at WhatDoesItMean.Com.
[Ed. Note: Western governments and their
intelligence services actively campaign against the information found in these
reports so as not to alarm their citizens about the many catastrophic Earth
changes and events to come, a stance that the Sisters of Sorcha Faal
strongly disagrees with in believing that it is every human beings right to
know the truth. Due to our missions
conflicts with that of those governments, the responses of their ‘agents’ against
us has been a longstanding misinformation/misdirection campaign designed to
discredit and which is addressed in the report "Who Is Sorcha
Faal?”.] "
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